STABLO - No. 9998

  • Delen
  • Both of these tracks have a base of rusty, aging drum machines and sparse construction, with not much sonic interweaving. Dark subbass and varying amounts of reverb give an exercise in space—like dropping a penny down a well just to hear what happens when it hits the bottom. That might sound like a techno template that leans towards the acid side. That's because it is. What's added on top is more remarkable. The A-side contains a gentle rippling, made of overlaid and submerged guitar and piano (maybe) with a drivetime pluck coming along later. What's most special, though, are the whispers of descending hum like a distant glow that shine softly and then fade again and again every eight bars. It creates bubbles of ether that gingerly lift you to a more lucid state. The B-side is weirder, adding a churning to the rhythm which clacks like a gearwheel with crags and crevices in its surface. Sunspot chords shine from the darkness like those stage flashbulbs that suddenly illuminate the entire room in stark clarity before fading a moment later. It's a counterpoint to the blackened underbelly, with cheer and character. The A-side, then, for languid deepness, and B for off-kilter chugginess. But both are laid down firmly and, what's more, with just a dash of elusiveness.
  • Tracklist
      A Untitled B Untitled