Actress, Sarah Davachi, Barker sign up for artist residency project in French Pyrenees

  • Delen
  • Additional hosts at CAMP in 2023 include Drew McDowall, Mark Fell and Rian Treanor.
  • Actress, Sarah Davachi, Barker sign up for artist residency project in French Pyrenees image
  • Artist residency project CAMP is set to host workshops in the French Pyrenees throughout the remainder of 2023. Based in the town of Aulus-les-Bains, CAMP invites some of electronic music's most innovative artists to run workshops for paying attendees. These include Actress, who will unpack the building blocks of his practice; Barker, who will discuss how to get "out of the box" with sound and music production; and Sarah Davachi and Ellen Arkbro, who will explore harmonic resonance. Additional hosts in 2023 include Drew McDowall, Mark Fell, Rian Treanor and Konx-om-Pax. The facilities at CAMP include an audiovisual classroom, multi-channel listening environment, arts library, digital editing suites, recording studio and performance space. It's run by the team behind Bradford's Fuse Art Space, which launched in 2013. Find out more about CAMP, and check out some more photos.