Peckham venue Canavan's under threat from property developers

  • Delen
  • Plans have been submitted to build 22 apartments and a restaurant next door to the late-night pool hall.
  • Peckham venue Canavan's under threat from property developers image
  • Canavan's Pool Club, which is home to the Rhythm Section party, is the latest venue in Peckham to come under threat of property developers. As FACT (via The Peckham Peculiar) report, 2Gee Developments has submitted plans to turn the salvage yard and Victorian property at 190 Rye Lane—next door to Canavan's—into 22 new flats and a restaurant. According to the architect in charge of the project, Collado Collins, windows in the two apartment blocks will overlook courtyard gardens and not Canavan's, which he says "mitigates any sound issues." In light of the news, owner Ciaran Canavan has set-up an online petition to save his late-night spot. "While I work very closely with my neighbours to keep noise levels to a minimum," he says, "it would be impossible with these 22 flats right beside where my music nights are held." This doesn't necessarily spell the end of Canavan's—plans to build 11 luxury flats next to nearby venue Bussey Building were recently withdrawn. Recent guests at the pool hall include Leif, Marco Shuttle and Beautiful Swimmers.