Plankton Electronics launches Noise series with The Bumblebee

  • Delen
  • The "DIY drone 'n' noise machine" is the latest user-assembled hardware from the company behind the Jellyfish.
  • Plankton Electronics launches Noise series with The Bumblebee image
  • Plankton Electronics has released a new piece of kit called The Bumblebee. The Barcelona-based company is a gearmaker, but with a sizeable asterisk: part of the fun is that the user is given the opportunity to do the building. Their last project was The Jellyfish, a unique delay unit that offered some nifty modulation options. (You can read Phil Moffa's review of the unit, which covers its sound and assembly process, here.) The Bumblebee is similarly singular. It's a three-oscillator, three-LFO synth, with the primary objective being to "generate the most annoying sounds of the neighborhood," as the company puts it. The "DIY drone 'n' noise machine" is controlled in part with CV, which you route with patch cables at the bottom panel of the box. In addition to buying the kit and building it yourself, you can also buy it fully assembled, or even just buy the PCB solo. It's apparently the first in a series called Plankton Noise, so expect more devices like this one. Check out the video below to get a sense of the sounds that are possible with The Bumblebee.
    The Bumblebee is now available from Plankton Electronics for €125.00 or €250.00 for the fully assembled unit.