is Descending Into Crevasse

  • Delen
  • The Italian duo will release their latest album later this month.
  • is Descending Into Crevasse image
  • will release Descending Into Crevasse in May. The Naples-based duo of Lino Monaco and Nicola Buono have been operating under the name since the late '90s, self-releasing their music before ending up on Chicago's Hefty Records and their own Mousike Lab imprint. Later this month will see the release of their latest album—their fifth or six, depending on whether or not you include a collection of early demos. Information on the album is sparse, but a press release promises an "ipotetic [sic] journey between the gorges of eternal ices... a flux of muffled and confused memories, frosted in a wave moving like an algorithm." In more concrete terms, Descending into Crevasse is an ambient record heavy on melodic drones with little in the way of beats or rhythms. The opening track "Synth On Axis" is a collaboration with Heidseck, AKA Base Surge's Fabrizio Matrone. Tracklist 01. Synth On Axis 02. Freezing the Fourth String 03. Moonshine 04. Attrazione Magnetica 05. -32°F Porcelain, Metal & Ice 06. Descending Into Crevasse Glacial Movements will release Descending Into Crevasse in May 2012.